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LLC Name Generator

Written by Editorial Team – Editorial Staff, updated on

To come up with a unique business name, start by brainstorming and entering a couple of keywords that describe your business. This could be your product, service, or specialty.

Next, select an industry that matches your business. If you’re selling items online, your best bet would be to select retail, whereas a personal training business should opt for the health and fitness industry.

Once you click submit, you’ll have plenty of business name ideas to choose from. Simple!

1-2 keywords about your business

Select your industry:

Your business name results:

    Crafting a memorable business name is one of the most important aspects of starting a business. With new companies popping up left and right, securing a unique and specific business name is crucial to garnering interest in your brand.

    Luckily, there are plenty of resources that can assist you in coming up with a business name that reflects your company’s values and culture.

    Our free business name generator can help you find a brand name to impress and intrigue your target market.

    Best practices for creating a business name

    Source: Forbes.

    Article by:

    Editorial Team

    Editorial Staff

    Team of legal researchers, qualified accountants, attorneys, and entrepreneurs passionate about simplifying business for everyone. SimplifyLLC's mission is to help you set up an LLC, educate you about the business essentials and provide ideas for your ventures.

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      // List industry keywords const technologyKeywords = [ "Technologies", "Tech", "IT", "AI", "Solutions", "Software", "Digital", "Tech Services", "Technology", "Web Applications", "Web Consultants", "Tech Solutions", "Technology Solutions", "Applications", "Analytics", "Technical Solutions", "Tech Pros", ]; const hospitalityKeywords = [ "Resort & Spa", "Hotel", "Hotel & Spa", "Getaway", "Stay", "House", "Inn", "Club", "Resort", "Suites", "Resort & Conference Center", "Beach Resort", "Lodge", "Retreat", "Club & Resort", ]; const healthFitnessKeywords = [ "Gym", "Fitness", "Nutrition", "Health", "Training", "Wellness", "Coaching", "Health Coaching", "Lifestyle", "Living", "Yoga", "Crossfit", "Bodywork", "Strength Training", "Strength", "Sports Therapy", "Physical Therapy", ]; const foodBeverageKeywords = [ "Kitchen", "Café", "Grill", "Chef", "Market", "Foods", "Tavern", "Bakery", "Restaurant and Bar", "Cuisine", "Eatery", "Hut", "Bar and Grill", "Organic Food", "Health Foods", "Bar", "House", "Fresh", "Point", ]; const retailKeywords = [ "Shop", "Supply", "Goods", "Source", "Store", "Depot", "Warehouse", "Collection", "Apparel", "Creations", "Clothing", "Discount", "Mart", "Island", "Market", "Essentials", "Gifts", "Grocers", "Garage", "Fashion", "Threads", "Factory", "Boutique", "Stich", "Streetwear", ]; const financeKeywords = [ "Financial Group", "Credit Union", "Wealth Management", "Investments", "Financial Partners", "Insight", "Mutual Funds", "Banking", "Bank", "Trust", "Financial Consulting", "Financial Network", "Mortgage", "Loans", "Financial Services", ]; const healthcareKeywords = [ "Medical Clinic", "Pharmaceuticals", "Biotechnologies", "Health", "Healthcare Solutions", "Innovations", "Health Center", "Medical Supply", "Care", "Clinic", "Dental", "Chiropractic", "Health Services", "Labs", "Health Clinic", "Pharmacy", "Medical Services", "Care Clinic", "Health Corp.", "Healthcare", "Medicine", "Recovery", "Living", "Medical Group", "Prevention", "Diagnostics", "Health Diagnostics", ]; const beautyWellnessKeywords = [ "Cosmetics", "Beauty", "Botanicals", "Skin", "Body", "Wellness", "Skincare", "Derma", "Laboratories", "Naturals", "Hair", "Haircare", "Cosmetology", "Wellness Center", "Studio", "Wellness", "Rejuvination", "Wellbeing", "Aromatherapy", "Life", ]; const editorialKeywords = [ "Media", "Media Group", "Publishing", "Editors", "Editorial Services", "Writing", "Masters", "Content", "Writing Group", "Publications", "Writing Services", "Writer", "Creations", "Writing Co.", "Creators", "Words", "Text", "Hive", "Coalition", "Creative", "Workshop", "Creative Content", ]; const designKeywords = [ "Studios", "Designs", "Creations", "Vision", "Minds", "Lab", "Concepts", "Creative", "Collective", "Graphics", "Animation", "Marketing", "Web Design", "Visuals", "House", "Interactives", "Virtual Reality", "Graphix", "Haus", "Canvas", "Imaging", "Photography", "Photography Studio", "UX", "Creative Group", "Design Company", "Decor", "Interiors", "Creative Design", "Graphic Design", "Creative Agency", ]; const otherKeywords = [ "Collective", "Group", "Solutions", "Society", "Warehouse", "Experience", "Connections", "Trading Co.", "Spot", "Source", "International", "Hut", "House", "Room", "Solutions", "Reflections", "Agency", "Alliance", "Crew", "Hub", "Masters", "Circle", "Coalition", "Partners", "Co-op", ]; // Generate Name button const generateNameBtn = document.querySelector("button#generateName"); // Empty